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Integrated industry development:certification for UAV used for photovoltaic power station
Public Time:2018-08-06 Origin:中国质量认证中心

As pointed out by Intelligent Photovoltaic Industry Development Action Plan jointly released in April 2018 by six departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) and National Energy Administration (NEA) that the photovoltaic industry will deeply integrate with artificial intelligence, Internet, and big data to encourage the development of intelligence patrol UAV and replace artificial operation and management with UAV technology. This unquestionably provides a good solution for photovoltaic power station operation and maintenance.


In this regard, together with CCIC-SET, China Electric Power Research Institute High-Voltage Research Institute and Shenzhen UAV Industry Association, CQC developed Photovoltaic Power Station UAV System Detection Technical Specifications. The Specification not only consummates the standard system of the UAV industry in China, but also provides “access permit” for the large-scale application of UAV in the photovoltaic industry. CQC has granted certificates to Innovpower and Dajiang among the first batch of certified UAV companies.

With more intelligent PV power station, wider application of UAV in the PV industry, CQC will further cooperate with UAV manufacturers to push forward the new advancement of Chinese photovoltaic industry.


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