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Lu Mei attended the 2018 Ecological Civilization Guiyang International Forum
Public Time:2018-07-13 Origin:中国质量认证中心

On July 8, 2018, the single tree carbon sink targeted poverty alleviation project was officially launched at the 2018 Ecological Civilization Guiyang International Forum. Vice President of CCIC/Managing Director of CQC Lu Mei was invited to attend the forum, and together with Zhang Bin, the inspector of Department of International Cooperation of the National Development and Reform Commission, and Zhang Meijun, deputy president of the Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued carbon sink certificates and granted plaques of “the Carbon Neutral Enterprise" to China Guizhou Maotai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd., Wengfu (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shougang Shuicheng Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. that bought the carbon sink for carbon neutrality to support the targeted poverty alleviation.


Guizhou Province's single tree carbon sink targeted poverty alleviation project takes each tree of the forested land owned by poor households as the unit. After calculating and verifying the carbon sink according to the relevant methodology, the carbon sink of each plant would be sold on the platforms like WeChat official accounts or small apps. Individuals (or enterprises) help poor households get out of poverty by purchasing carbon sink, while the carbon sink they purchase can be used to offset their carbon emissions and enhance their social credit.单株碳汇配图

As one of the initiators of Guizhou Province's single tree carbon sink targeted poverty alleviation pilot project, CQC has undertaken the work of “the single tree carbon sink methodology research” and “the single tree carbon verification”, providing high-quality service for the construction of the project and carbon verification, and contributing a lot to the successful launch of the project. It has explained the concept of its social responsibility of “certifying for the people and sharing the high quality”. One hour after the launch of the project, more than 300 people (enterprises) purchased carbon sink worth 310,000 yuan and benefited more than 400 poor households. The project implementation was very successful and far exceeded expectations.

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