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Emergency Notice on Invoice Issuing
Public Time:2012-08-16

Dear Clients,

According to rules of State Administration of Taxation, China Quality Certification Center will begin to use special value-added tax (VAT) invoice or regular VAT invoice since Sep. 1st , 2012, and stop using the currently business invoice from Aug. 31st, 2012. Due to the invoice amount approved by tax authorities can not meet applicants’ needs during the changing period, we are sorry for any inconvenience that cause by invoice issuing delayed.

For the applicant who choose on-site payment to confirm, you can try transfer via bank for your convenience since Sep. 1st, 2012. For the applicant who choose on-site payment, we only provide receipt temporarily, you can exchange to VAT invoice after its ready.

The applicant should provide correct enterprise name, identification number of taxpayer, address, phone number, opening bank, account number and invoice content for VAT invoice issuing.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

                                                                  China Quality Certification Center

                                                                                       Aug. 16th, 2012

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