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Notice on CQC Organic Product Certification Mark and Transaction Certificate
Public Time:2012-03-01

To all certified companies:

According to Notice on enhancing(/strengthen) the Administration of National Organic Product Certification Mark, Notice on issuing Rules for the Implementation of the Organic Products Certification, promulgated by Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's Republic of China, and the new version of national standards for organic products, the issues concering the administration of Organic Product Certification Mark and Transaction Certificate shall be notified as follows:

For the certified organizations that have obtained or printed the organic product certification marks (which have been put on record in CQC) but have not yet used them up before Mar. 1st, 2012, they can still use the old version marks before the deadline (set by CNCA). For the products produced after Mar. 1st, 2012, national organic product certification mark & organic mark code, CQC name or logo must be added on the certified organic product or minimum sale packing of the product, according to the specifications.

The the application of organic product certification marks can be adopted by printing or sticking. Certified organization that operates large-scale automatic production line can adopte the mark by printing. The organic product certification mark must be put on recond in CQC prior to printing or purchansing, and the documents concering the organic codes must be submited to CQC and loaded to National Food and Agricultural Products Certification Information System before the mark can be used.

Starting from Mar. 1st, 2012, the certified organization must applied for transaction certificate at CQC before selling organic product.

Contact Information:

Mr. Gu Yi


Fax :0086-10-83886329

Address: Section 9,No.188,Nansihuan(the South Fourth Ring Road)Xilu(West Road),Beijing 100070,China

                                  Hereby notified

                                                               China Quality Certification Centre ( CQC )

                                                                                Mar. 1st, 2012

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