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Notice on KSA will stop to import of electrical equipments, devices and accessories that operate on voltage 127 volts will be from 2012
Public Time:2011-08-29

To related testing labs and clients,

1 CQC received SASO notice recently, KSA will stop to import of electrical equipments, devices and accessories that operate on voltage 127 volts will be from 22/05/2012.

2  After five years of the issuance of the above decision, the import of the electrical equipments and accessories, will be only those operates on 220 or 230 volts.

For the period from  22/05/2012 to 23/04/2016, the electrical equipments and accessories operates on dual voltage (220/127) volts are allowed to enter to KSA after that from 23/04/2016 only which operate on 220 or 230 volts will be allowed import to KSA.

3 Continue to allow the import and manufacturing of spare parts for electrical equipments and accessories that operate on 127 volts for a period of 15 years.

The period of 15 years will be from  23/04/2011, The Saudi Survillance Authorities are the responsible for this matter to distinguish between spare part for equipments operating on 127 and seperate selling products .

                                                                    China Quality Certification Centre

                                                                                Aug. 16th , 2011

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