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Notice on Carrying out Certification of charger appliances for electric vehicles
Public Time:2011-05-25

To those related companies,

China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) has introduced the certification of charger appliances for electric vehicles, and the details of certification as follows,

    1. Product:off-board conductive charger for electric vehicles

       According to:NB/T 33001-2010 “Technical specification of off-board conductive charger for electric vehicles”

       Certification rules:CQC14-464232-2011

       Certification type:CQC Voluntary Certification

       Application sort:(127)electric vehicle and parts,127001.


     2. Product:electric vehicle on-board charger

       According to:GB/T 18487.1-2001 “General requirements for electrical vehicle conductive charging system”,GB/T 18487.3-2001   “Electric   vehicle  conductive charging system A.C/D.C. Electric vehicle charging station”

         Certification rules:CQC14-464233-2011

         Certification type:CQC Voluntary Certification

         Application sort:(127)electric vehicle and parts,127002.


     3. Product:electric vehicle A.C charging point

         According to:NB/T 33002-2010 “Specification for electric vehicle A.C charging point”

         Certification rules:CQC14-464234-2011

         Certification type:CQC Voluntary Certification

         Application sort:(127)electric vehicle and parts,127003.

CQC Product Certification DepartmentⅠ has accepted this kind of application, you can submit the application by CQC website. If you have any questions, please contact with Product Certification DepartmentⅠ.

Contact Information:

Contact with: Kang Wei  010-83886313

                                                                  China Quality Certification Centre

                                                                                 May 24th , 2011

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