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Notice of Doing the Conclusion Work of Check and Accept for Combating with the Commercial Bribes
Public Time:2006-11-22


Notice of Doing the Conclusion Work of Check and Accept for Combating with the Commercial Bribes

CNCA No.2006210

Date: Nov.22, 2006

Notice of Doing the Conclusion Work of Check and Accept for Combating with the Commercial Bribes


All the Branches, Auditing Centers:

According to the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and Fourth State Council work conference and the documental spirit of “Opinions on Developing Special Working of Combating with Commercial Bribes” Zhongbanfa20069 of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council, CQC will organize to develop special combating working of Check and Accept according with the measures and requirements of special work leading group of combating the commercial bribes in two-levels of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China and Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China recently based on that all the departments developed the special working of combating commercial bribes efficiently. The related working is arranged as the follows:

Part I: Main Task

1. Assistance with CNCA to do the survey of industrial ethos and the special combating work.

   The CNCA Party Committee (Leading Group Office of Establishing Party Ethos and Probity, Leading Group Office of Special Work for Combating Commercial Bribes) will go to the local Entry-Exit Inspection And Quarantine Bureau and Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision to do the inspection and investigation and research, such as Guangxi, Guizhou, Shanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, and inspect the developing situation of special work of combating commercial bribes. So, we will call for symposia with the leaders of two bureaus and the personnel of the Certification and Accreditation Section respectively, the symposia related to certification (training and consulting) institutions, the representatives of inspection institutions, and the enterprises attained certification, and will visit the related enterprises. The related branches and auditing centers assist to do the related work of investigation and research, and special inspection, and report the details to the Center Headquarter in time, please.

2. Do the direction and sampling work of Center

With the research, the Leading Group of Special Work of the Center decides to arrange two directing groups leaded by center leaders to do the inspection work on the related branches and auditing centers in East-China, and South-China on Nov.2, and listen to the reports on the situation of special work of all the units.

3. Filling “Evaluating Form of Special Work”

According to the requirements of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China and CNCA, all the departments fill in the column of “Self-Evaluation” (Please find it in attachment.) according to the format and requirements of Evaluating Form carefully and objectively.

4. Do the Good Conclusion of Special Work

Conclusion Contents includes the situation of work developing, self-checking and self-correcting, measures, establishing healthy and efficient institution, and the attained fruits and experience, etc.

Part II: Requirements

1. The sub-institutions mentioned is Task A and B, please prepare carefully in advance, make sure of all the work completing smoothly.

2. All the sub-centers and auditing centers submit the “Evaluating Form” and work conclusions (in writing and electric format) to the center headquarter.

Part III: Contacts

Contact person: Fan Jing

Tel.: 01083886011

Fax: 01083886000

Email: zhengyan@cqc.com.cn


Appendix: Evaluation Form of Special Work of Combating Commercial Bribes of China Quality Certification Center pinggubiao.doc





Oct.25, 2006

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