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Measures on recording of certification body, inspection body......
Public Time:2006-11-21

Measures on recording of certification body, inspection body, laboratory accredited by foreign accreditation bod

Article 1 In order to strengthen the supervision and administration on certification bodies, inspection bodies and laboratories, and to safeguard and regulate the national certification market, these measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Certification and Accreditation.


Article 2 The certification bodies, inspection bodies, laboratories in China (hereinafter referred to as internal body), which accredited by foreign accreditation body shall put on record in accordance with this Measures.

The term “internal body” in this Measure means the body engaging certification, testing, inspection, determination, detection, and calibration and inspection activity in China in accordance with law.


Article 3 Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as CNCA) is responsible for the record affairs of domestic body accredited by foreign accreditation body.


Article 4 A domestic body accredited by foreign accreditation body shall put a record to CNCA within 30 days after accredited by foreign accreditation body. A domestic body obtains accreditation from a foreign accreditation body before the Measure implement, shall be record to CNCA with 60 days after this Measure implemented.


Article 5 When domestic body put a record, it shall refer the recording report (form of recording report see in appendix) and the following documents:

(1)Instruction of the body (certification body record can avoid this);

(2)Copy of supporting documents for legal status (certification body record can avoid this)

(3)The accreditation assessment report, accreditation certificate and accreditation scope of the body obtains accreditation from a foreign accreditation body (copy and electric version. Laboratory and inspection body can avoid assessment report);

(4)Legal status, accreditation files and background documents of relevant foreign accreditation body;

(5)Assessment, administration and review situation of obtain accreditation from foreign accreditation body;

(6)Other documents (include report of relevant activities in China, copy of other supporting documents, etc; certification body record can avoid this).


Article 6 CNCA shall audit within 30 days after receiving the recording documents and relevant documents, if any further documents is still requited, inform the recorder as soon as possible.


Article 7 For any one of the following cases, it will refuse to recording:

(1)Foreign accreditation body without legal status;

(2)The referring documents are untrue;

(3)The accreditation project endanger the national security, human health or safety, animal and plant life or health, environment or other public interest;

(4)Other situation that CNCA considers shall not record.


Article 8 The recorded domestic body shall transact the change procedure in 30 days after the change item happened if the recording item changed.

Recording item include the recording report by domestic recording body and relevant documents.


Article 9 Where a domestic body obtains accreditation from a foreign accreditation body but fails to make a report to CNCA for the record, it shall be given a warning and such warning shall be made public.


Article 10 CNCA shall be responsible for the explanation of this Measure.













Recording Report of Certification Body, Inspection Body, Laboratory Accredited By Foreign accreditation body




   Name of the enterprise                          












 Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China




1This report is applicable for the recording of certification body, inspection body, laboratory accredited by foreign accreditation body;

2The article with “□” in this report is option, please sign “√” in applicable “□”;

3 This report shall print using a computer to guarantee sharply and correctly;

4 After fill this report, please send the soft and hard copy to the following address:

Address Madian East Road 9, Haidian District, Beijing

Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China

    Dept. for AccreditationCertification body recording

Dept. for LaboratoriesInspection body, laboratory recording

Post Code100088






1General Situation

1.1 Information of recording body





Post Code                        email                           

Principal                 Position              Tel              

Contact                 Position              Tel              

Website                        Fax                          

Name of legal person:                                                  

Type of legal person

□Institutional legal person    □Legal person of mass organization   □Legal person of enterprise  □Others

Legal representative             Position            Tel          

1.2 Situation of recording body accredited by our certification body/inspection body/laboratory

□Certification body

Certificate No.                                                 

Validity period     Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

□Inspection body

Certificate No.                                                

Validity period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day


Certification No.                                                

Validity period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day


2 Situation of the foreign accreditation body

2.1 Name of the foreign accreditation body



email                          Fax                    


Contact              Position             Tel           

2.2 International mutual recognition situation

Been signed □IAF  □PAC  □ILAC  □APLAC 

□Others                   Recognizing the agreement each other

□Never been signed any mutual recognition agreements


3 Relevant information of recording body accredited by foreign accreditation

□Certification body accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                             


Certificate No.                                              

Validity period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certification and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000

□Inspection body accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                              


Certificate No.                                              

Validity Period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certificate and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000

□Lab accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                             


Certificate No.                                              

Validity Period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certificate and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000


4       Reason and necessity of applying for overseas accreditation





5       Brief accreditation procedure





6       Effect and function of get the overseas accreditation






Declaration: The body has already filled this recording report faithfully, and we guarantee the all information in this report and relevant appendix is real, correct, and complete. If the information is inaccurate or keep a lid on it, the body will liable for it.



Name of body                                     

Signature of legal representative                               




IZE: 8.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-font-kerning: 0pt"> 

3 Relevant information of recording body accredited by foreign accreditation

□Certification body accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                             


Certificate No.                                              

Validity period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certification and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000

□Inspection body accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                              


Certificate No.                                              

Validity Period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certificate and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000

□Lab accreditation


          □OthersDetailed instruction):                             


Certificate No.                                              

Validity Period    Year     Month    Day to    Year    Month    Day

Accreditation certificate and scope (Copy or electric version)

Charge of overseas accreditation (RMB equal value, include: room, board and airline ticket)

□50,000        □50,000-80,000        □80,000-100,000      

□100,000-150,000      □150,000-200,000    □More than 200,000


4       Reason and necessity of applying for overseas accreditation





5       Brief accreditation procedure





6       Effect and function of get the overseas accreditation






Declaration: The body has already filled this recording report faithfully, and we guarantee the all information in this report and relevant appendix is real, correct, and complete. If the information is inaccurate or keep a lid on it, the body will liable for it.



Name of body                                     

Signature of legal representative                               




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