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The CQC contracted with 32 feed testing agencies, and start up the feed......
Public Time:2006-11-21

The CQC contracted with 32 feed testing agencies, and start up the feed product certification   





Up to now, the testing agencies contracted with CQC reached 158


CQC Director Lihuailin(right), vice Director Wang Kejiao (left) awarded the authorized certificate for the contract testing agency .

CQC signed commission testing agreement with the national feed quality supervision and test center (Beijing), Qingdao product quality supervision and other 32 feed product testing agencies










The CQC contracted with 32 feed testing agencies, and start up the feed product certification   and the CQC contracting agency has become 158.in order to perfect the certification tache of feed products and vigorously promote the preparations for the accreditation for product certification , in July 20, the Chinese quality certification centre (CQC) and the national feed quality supervision and testing centre (Beijing), Qingdao product quality supervision department  and 32 other feed product testing agencies, signed  agreement and held a brand awarding ceremony. CQC Director Lihuailin and vice Director Wang Kejiao awarded commission certificate for the testing agencies. Thus, the contracted testing agency has become 158.the Feed products certification is a voluntary product certification which launched by the national certification supervision commission and the Ministry of Agriculture jointly. In recent years, at the same time of the feed industries flourish in the country, while some inferior feed products constantly also appear in the market. In order To enhance the quality of feed products, standardized feed market economic order, the protection of the physical health of consumers, state regulations from May 1 this year to begin the implementation of the voluntary certification feed products. As a designated feed product certification bodies, CQC has launched the feed products certification work, and began vigorously pursuing. Director Lihuailin pointed out in his speech that, the quality of feed products directly related to the food security and safety, CQC hopes that through this certification work to improve people's quality of life and safety assume responsibility; On the other hand, CQC will require the signing testing agencies launching testing work in a fair, open and equitable principal, in the spirit of responsible for  the enterprises to enhance the quality of our feed products ,and promote the  enterprise do better on the business and up the grades in size.

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