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CQC furniture quality green products certification officially launched
Public Time:2006-11-21

CQC furniture quality green products certification officially launched 






During the exhibition, experts of CQC introduced the CQC logo certification to the consulting customer in details












On August 19-22, the 15th Shenzhen International furniture Exhibition was held in Shenzhen international conference Center. The Technology Department of china quality certification center (CQC) and the Shenzhen sub-center participated in the exhibition and focused on promoting CQC quality green products certification. The Furniture product certification is one of the key projects of CQC logo certification which will be promoted this year. CQC establish a booth at a prominent position in the exhibition. They received a large number of consultations of manufacturers and consumers. In the 4 days exhibition period, they received a total of 800 people consulting, and extending 1,000 copies of materials, and received a very good propaganda effect. It has laid a good foundation to promote CQC green quality certification of furniture products. The acreage of the square of the exhibition is over 200,000 square meters, and has10, 000 standard booths. 800 enterprises participated. It is the largest furniture exhibition in Shenzhen in the history, and it is also one of the largest professional trade fairs in Asia.


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