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CQC hold an inspection work conference of low voltage products factory
Public Time:2006-11-21

CQC hold an inspection work conference of low voltage products factory





















In order to strengthen the management of the factory inspector and regulating factory inspection work, and ensure the quality of factory in spections in fact, and build up a good social image of inspectors of CQC, the CQC inspection department organized the low voltage products factory inspections, in September 3 to 4 in Shanghai. 74 inspectors from the11subcenters and 16 National Laboratory Center participated the conference. The leader of CQC Inspection department Wuxiaolong summed up the factory inspection work of low voltage at the meeting, and fully affirmed the5000 performance of factory inspection work which have completed by the inspectors. while highlighting inspectors conduct inspections and the problems that exist for you to study carefully the implementation of the inspectors CQC« » 6 to 10 are related to the use regulations of the censor, the censor strict compliance obligations, striving to be honest, efficient, sophisticated technology, quality of service quality inspectors, CCC certification system for the maintenance of the authority and establish a brand CQC contribute. At the meeting, the Procuracy also assure inspectors and CQC Xuanguan gave the factory inspection requirements, and organizational communication and factory inspections inspectors professional skills diagnostic test. The convening of this conference, further defined the requirements and factory inspectors conduct inspections, low voltage for the second half of the factory inspection work and further enhance the smooth implementation of the factory inspection management laid the foundation.


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