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the UL Danish company called on CQC
Public Time:2006-11-21


the UL Danish company called on CQC    





China Quality Authentication Center CQC logo certification press conference and warding conference was held in Wuxi

CQC Director Lihuailin and the Secretary Xiaming of Jiangsu Quality and Technical Supervision  bureau  and Vice Mayor Tan-ming of Wuxi City and leaders of national bearings associations and of the Chinese Cycling Association, attended the meeting and award Certifications for nearly 30 enterprises.











In September 7, 2004, China Quality Authentication Center CQC logo certification press conference and warding conference was held in Wuxi. The first enterprises of bearings, electric bicycles, building materials, clothing, toys and other sectors which got the certification were awarded the certification. CQC Director Lihuailin and the Secretary Xiaming of Jiangsu Quality and Technical Supervision bureau and Vice Mayor Tan-ming of Wuxi City and leaders of national bearings associations and of the Chinese Cycling Association, attended the meeting and award Certifications for nearly 30 enterprises, including Jiangsu small Swan Group, Wuxi red beans shares Industries Limited, Nanjing's pigeons, Inc., the new Japanese electric car manufacturing Ltd., South Po resins (China) Limited.

Director Li pointed out in his speech that from the November 1, 2003, as the promulgation and implementation of "PRC Regulations approved certification," The certification of the Chinese products entering the healthy, quick, great-leap-forward development road. Since China started CQC Quality Authentication Center logo certification, many outstanding enterprises acutely aware that it is a norm industry, the opportunity to accelerate their own development. To further enhance product quality and increase market share, Chinese enterprises have to quality certification center CQC logo certification applications, and hopes that China has international quality certifications such centre visibility of the class certification authority and CQC logo certification brand effect, regulating the market and lead the industry to upgrade the quality of their products, competitiveness, and enhance the sense of security and the purchase of consumer confidence. The enterprises are all leading companies outstanding in their industry, there will be more businesses to strengthen quality control in order to secure CQC logo certification.

Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality and Technical Xiaming Secretary in his speech affirmed that CQC logo certification effect in lead industry development, upgrade their internal management of the active role played by the province related enterprises hope to CQC logo certification as an opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and took away market development opportunities, provide consumers with quality products and services, achieve economic and social benefits of the double harvest, contribute to local economic construction. Wuxi City Vice Mayor Tan Ming-powered enterprises to congratulate and that the relevant industry enterprises seize opportunities in the field of product certification to gain the initiative and achieve the standard factory production activities, enhance the level of the manufacturing plant, product quality enterprises effective management for faster, bigger and better development. The successful convening of the news conference, propagandize the CQC logo certification, strengthen the influence of product certification system in the industry and to promote the implementation of product certification system in every industry allover the country. After the meeting, the director Lihuailin inspected Wuxi product quality supervision institute and go to Nanjing to have a formal discussion with president Chewenyi of Jiangsu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau.


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