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CQC hold the first staff training course for factory inspectors...
Public Time:2006-11-21
CQC hold the first staff training course for factory inspectors and in-inspectors in Seoul Korea
CQC and CNCA hold the first staff training course for factory inspectors and in-inspectors in the Assembly Hall in Seoul Korea
In September 1 to 4 ,2004, CQC and CNCA hold the first staff training course for factory inspectors and in-inspectors in the Assembly Hall in Seoul Korea.37 students from Keti, HCR, Samsung, dozens of bodies of attended the training. This is the first time CQC and CNCA hold training courses in Korea. CNCA vice Director Jinliping first explain deeply on China's product imperative certification system and national certification regulations for the participants. to conduct in-depth talks, the CQC training center to teach teachers focus on introducing various product certification processes, factory inspection and tracking inspection priorities and difficulties and integrate incompatible with the case in detail to enhance students understanding. This training is prepared adequately; the content has a far scope, and depth. The cases are targeted. After the training, the participants were all satisfied with the level of training and teachers. The successful holding of the course laid a solid foundation for the development of the affairs in CQC Korea center
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