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Five enterprises apply for the ecological textiles certification...
Public Time:2006-11-20
Five enterprises apply for the ecological textiles certification of the CQC logo
During the time that the Qingdao international clothing costumes expo held, CQC held a meeting entitled “China Quality Certification Center ecological textiles logo certification press conference” ceremoniously on Sep. 25th in order to not only let consumers "wearing assured, wearing healthy, wearing green,", but also let more people and more businesses understand the concept of eco-textiles, advocate the whole society cares for people's livelihood and sustainable development and create our own brand of textiles. Five enterprises, Qingdao Yinuo Group Ltd., China-Japan joint venture Qingdao Tengyuan special fabrics Ltd., Qingdao Qiangwei clothing Ltd., Qingdao Central Asia Trade and Industry Ltd. and Qingdao peace angel Clothing Ltd., submitted their applications of the ecological textiles logo certification to the CQC on that day. The enterprises that pass the ecological textiles CQC certification will be authorized to add CQC green labels on their textiles. This will help the enterprises products to break down the “green trade barriers” and enter into the international market for wider development.
It is known that as China access to the WTO, the “green trade barriers” built by the developed countries is becoming the biggest obstacle to Chinese textile exports. China has over 7.4 billion U.S. dollars of exports are restricted per year due to the failure to meet the environmental requirements, which hampers the exports and development of our textiles seriously. CQC logo certification to help the enterprises to get the ecological textile products certification in order to break down the “green trade barriers”.
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