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First security company in Shanghai pass through the CQC certification
Public Time:2006-11-20
first security company in Shanghai pass through the CQC certification
  Director of State certification supervision commission Wangfengqing (second from left) attended the awarding meeting
Recently, the first security companies” Shanghai Pudong Security Company” passed the audit on scene of CQC Shanghai assessment center .and was awarded the ISO9001 quality management system certification by CQC. The primary function of Pudong security Company is to provide the anti-air defense and technology defense services. It is attached to the Sub-units of Pudong Public Security. Its air defense company assumes Pudong 1,000 party and government organs, industrial and commercial enterprises, institutions, financial securities, property management, entertainment and other units of the security services, and also to undertake large scale commercial activities of security services, the completion of Pudong District Public Security Sub-ordered support, to help the public security organs , restrain drugs and protective works, a number of security services. Defense companies for its annual defense of technique up area of about more than 300. Implement the ISO 9001 quality management system make the Pudong security companies rationalize internal mechanism to regulate its internal management, improve service quality and enhance the company integrated levels, improve customer satisfaction and played a very good role in promoting. Pudong security companies first induct the ISO 9001 quality management system in the same industry in Shanghai, it is a useful attempt to combine traditional special defend with the internationally quality management system . By the end of September, Pudong Security Corporation was recommended to participate in the CQC IQNET (International accreditation Union) Beijing Forum powered organization representatives, from Wang Fengqing Director personally award the IQNet certificate.
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