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Auto business in southeast assemble in Sichuan...
Public Time:2006-11-20
Auto business in southeast assemble in Sichuan
Learning the requirement of the change of 3C certificates as well as the certification of the CQC logo
CQC held a meeting in Chongqing about the change of the CCC certificates for motorcycles and motor products as well as the certification of the CQC logo
CQC held a meeting in Chongqing about the change of the CCC certificates for automobile products as well as the certification of the CQC logo
On Nov. 3-4 2004, the sub-center of China Quality Certification center(CQC) held a meeting in Chengdu and Chongqing, respectively. This meeting is about the change of the CCC certificates for automobile, motorcycles and motor products as well as the certification of the CQC logo. Nearly 150 business representatives attended the meeting, including the president of Society of Sichuan Automotive Engineering named Yue You-ren, the vice president of Society of Sichuan Automotive Engineering named Xu Jun-de and some experts of the National Center of Supervision and Inspection on Buses. The procedures and requirements of the change of the CCC certificates for automobile, motorcycles and motor products were explained detailedly on the meeting. The latest situation of the automobiles, motorcycles and motorcycle engine parts products that to be included in the mandatory product certification catalogue is introduced on the meeting as well as the answers about some questions of the related enterprises were given.
The director of the sub-center in Chengdu, Li Ying-ben introduced the importance and urgency of the certification of automobile, motorcycle and motorcycle engine parts as well as the CQC logo for enterprise development. The representative from Chongqing Chang’an Automobile Co. said that Chongqing Chang’an had made the certification of the CQC logo as their work plan in 2005. The Co. required that the key components supporting factories must get the certification of the CQC logo in the first half of next year. The representative from Zongshen Industry Group also said that the group had claimed that they will cooperate with the key components supporting factories and other important components supporting factories that has got the certification of the CQC logo.
All of the automobile parts production enterprises with large scale in Sichuan submitted their application for the certification of the CQC logo to the CQC Chengdu sub-center at the meeting.
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