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CQC held a meeting about amending the application rules of ...
Public Time:2006-11-20
CQC held a meeting about amending the application rules of CQC logo certification of toy products
From November 8 to 9 2004, the seminar about amending the application rules of CQC logo certification of toy products was held in Fuzhou. The meeting was organized by china quality certification center( CQC )and  assisted to held by Fujian inspection Center . The meeting invited experts from 10 testing technical agencies and three represents from the famous enterprises. Conference on the standard-edition GB6675-2003 changes in the implementation of toy products CQC logo certification experience with the present toy production enterprises and the domestic market situation for the implementation of the revised draft rules of a lively exploration and extensive exchange, the deputies have toys for how to expand the market of products CQC logo certification and so on. The implementation of the revised rules from the accreditation body, testing agencies and businesses long-term interests, from the effective protection of our children's health security, a single authentication model, and provide a variety of choices, quality assurance certification in the context of efficient, optimized series of sub-modules and sample testing, reduce costs, focus on strengthening the supervision of the certificate control. Participants unanimously agreed that the implementation of the revised rules is fruitful, and has high hopes to CQC signs certification of toy products.
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