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Guangzhou, Wuhan held meeting about new implementing rules of...
Public Time:2006-11-20
Guangzhou, Wuhan held meeting about new implementing rules of automobile and motorbike products
Nearly 150 business representatives attended the " meeting about new implementing rules of automobile and motorbike products " organized by the Guangzhou branch center of CQC
The " meeting of automotive products 3C implementing rules for the accreditation of certificates " which Held in Wuhan provide the latest certification information to enterprises at the first time
In November 5, 2004, the Chinese quality certification centre (CQC) sub-centre in Guangzhou organized a meeting about automobiles, motorcycles and motorcycle engines for products CCC certificates purchased by the application of rules and changes certificate. Nearly 150 business representatives From Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan attended the meeting. At the meeting, CQC headquarters sent experts to explain the change of the procedures and requirements because of the change of version implementing rules in details. And the expert answered the various issues raised by the representative of the enterprise. In 11. 9th, 120 representatives of 90 enterprises in Wuhan attended the implementing and representation meeting conference of version change and certificate change of automobile product 3c implementing rules jointly organized by Wuhan and Xi'an CQC sub-centers. The meeting Not only introduced the related matters of the change of version of the implementation rules, but also arranged experts from the Quality of Supervision of the State vehicle inspection centre (Xiangfan) and Hanyang dedicated vehicle Institute to introduce the problems and issues of the process of supervision and inspection and they should pay attention to the changes to all the auto enterprise. This provides more informations and operational experience to the enterprises. Since 2004 the No. 26 notice of standard changed was tell, CQC held many meeting for the new standard issued in time in Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other places. And this helps the enterprises obtaining the latest certification news at the first time.
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