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The assess meeting of targeted inspect of Telecommunications ...
Public Time:2006-11-20
The assess meeting of targeted inspect of Telecommunications products testing agencies convened in Beijing
According to the requirement of the letter [2004]180 of national certification commission, CQC will assist to do the target testing work of the3c Telecommunications product. After reserving the task, the technology department of CQC and the first department of product and CNAL and the expert of Taier lab build a working group. From September to early November, They completed the verification of the overall program and technical program design, sample and purchase samples transmission, the implementation arrangements for verification; verification test report summarized the work. In November 14, the experts from seven-testing agencies which were inspected gathered in Beijing to participate in the verification assessment seminar. The Conference discussed deeply about the standards of the verification .the conference deepens the understanding of standards delegates and uniform the testing methods.
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