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The eighth session of IECEE - CMC annual meeting is held in Shanghai.
Public Time:2006-11-16

The eighth session of IECEE - CMC annual meeting is held in Shanghai.


The eighth session of IECEE-CMC annual meeting opened officially


The national supervisory commission director, international electrician committee (IEC) China commission chairman Wang Fengqing gave the important speech at the opening ceremony of the eighth session of IECEE-CMC annual meeting


Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng made the speech at the eighth session of IECEE-CMC annual meeting opening ceremony.

The national supervisory commission director, international electrician committee (IEC) China commission chairman Wang Fengqing Met the IECEE official, President of IECEE China national certification organization, and CQC Director Li Huailin joined the discussion

President of the IECEE China national certification organization, CQC Director Li Huailin, Assistant Director Lu Mei and President IECEE, secretary general conversed kindly



On 2005 June 29th, the eighth session of annual meeting of the international electrician committee electrician product qualification test and the certification organization certificate management committee (IECEE - CMC) was held in Shanghai. This conference was undertaken together by National certification Approval Management supervision Committee (CNCA) and China quality certification center (CQC). Director CNCA, chairman Wang Fengqing of the international electrician committee (IEC) China national commission, Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng attended the opening ceremony and speaks.


CMC is one of IECEE management structures. According to the IECEE stipulation, CMC carries on the work authorized by IEC/CAB is responsible for the IECEE operation comprehensively. CMC usually holds the conference every year, which conducted in turn by the IECEE member nations. This annual meeting will still carry on the consideration on the IECEE organization operation situation.



China has sent out the seven people of delegations took President IECEE China national certification organization, Director CQC Li Huailin as commander to attend, there were altogether six proposal about the spare part confirmed plans (CRP) officially submitted


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