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The fully preparation, perfect serve the arriving, plentiful...
Public Time:2006-11-16

The fully preparation, perfect serve the arriving, plentiful achievement, eighth session of IECEE-CMC annual meeting in the Shanghai completely concluded.

The President of IECEE issued the “IECEE special contribution award” to Director Wang Fengqing  (right one)of the national supervisory commission

The very evening of the conference, routine assistant Director Sun Dawei of the national supervisory commission presided over the welcome banquet

CQC Director Li Huailin (right) met President IECEE, and carried on the exchange on the bilateral cooperation

Director Li Huailin signed agreement officially on behalf of CQC with Argentine IRAM that IRAM entrusted CQC to undertake its factory inspection work in China

During the Annual meeting, CQC Director Li Huailin met Norwegian NEMKO vice-president Mr. Trond Sollie

During the tea resting time, representatives of various countries exchanged the work experience mutually. Picture shows CQC Assistant Director Lu Mei (right) communicated with conference representative.

It was happen to meet the 20th anniversary of the CQC, the representatives in abundance left behind the heartfelt blessing to CQC

In the second day of conference, the representatives attained the CQC careful manufacture published conference proceeding

It was the birthday of IECEE Secretary General Mr. de RUVO the last day of conference, CQC Director Li Huailin, certification supervisory commission assistant director Bo Yumin and conference representatives together celebrated the birthday of Mr. de RUVO


During the conference, CQC organized the conference representative family members to experience sightseeing of “to be the Shanghainese for a half day” the chart showed madams of representatives teaches the child to study the foreign dance in spirits while visiting the kindergarten.


In order to guarantee uninterrupted serves, the conference staff only can go to eat in turn in the work break



On June 30th, -long eighth session of IECEE-CMC annual meeting in two days duration finished completely in Shanghai, representatives of IECEE member organizations and national certification organization from more than 40 nations and regions made the wide-ranging exchange and the communication at the meeting, They indicated in abundance that, this annual meeting prepared fully, the service was perfect, which achieved the anticipated effect, through the annual meeting, promoted friendship and the cooperation between the domestic and foreign conference representatives.


In order to commend the prominent contribution to IECEE of Wang Fengqing--- director of the national supervisory commission, chairman of IEC China Country commission, during the conference, President IECEE issued the “IECEE special contribution award” especially for her.


During the conference, China quality certification (CQC) has carried on the widespread communication and exchange with the certification organizations of various countries. President IECEE of China national certification organization, Director Li Huailin of China quality certification center (CQC) discussed separately with the IECEE President Mr. Gosta Fredriksson, Argentina IRAM vice-General administrative Manager Mr.Mario Osvaldo Wittner, Germany VDE president Mr. Gerhard Dreger, Norway NEMKO vice-president Mr. Trond Sollie. Director Li Huailin also achieves the mutual recognition on behalf of CQC with Argentine IRAM on the factory inspection request matters, and signed agreement officially that IRAM entrusted CQC to undertake its factory inspection work in China.


The annual meeting has carried on the consideration to the IECEE organization daily operation situation, and launched the widespread discussion on the subject submitted by various member nations, and a series of achievements will be announced one after another in the near future.


The annual meetings attracted the attention of many media, the Xinhua News Agency, the CCTV, the Liberation Daily and nearly 20 media reported the conference.


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