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CQC symbol certification work of food packing products....
Public Time:2006-11-16
CQC symbol certification work of food packing products was comprehensively developed
CQC symbol certification work of food packing products was comprehensively developed
-- "Food Packing/Vessel Product CQC Symbol Certification Implementation Rule" proclaiming meeting convened in Guangzhou
How to produce the high standard, hygienic, and safe food packing has already become the core issue of food packing production enterprise, according to the development tendency of present food packing product and the quality technology tendency of international food packing product, the China quality certification center (CQC) promptly promoted "Food Packing/Vessel Product CQC Symbol Certification Implementation Rule”. In order to make the more foods packing enterprise to understand and apply this certification, the CQC product sixth office and CQC Guangzhou branch center jointly convened proclaiming meeting of "Food Packing/Vessel Product CQC Symbol Certification Implementation Rule" on 2005 June 30, in Guangzhou, nearly 30 people of the local food packing enterprise participated in the meeting.
The conference introduced the national related product certification system and the correlation laws and regulations, emphatically explained the "Food Packing/Vessel Product CQC Symbol Certification Implementation Rule", the factory inspection request, and the product certification flow. The conference also invited the Director Chen Lijian of Guangzhou product quality supervise examination center to give the concrete explanation on pattern experiment.
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