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The Thailand commerce inspection group expressed to...
Public Time:2006-11-16
The Thailand commerce inspection group expressed to strengthen economics and trade intercourse between Thailand and the Sichuan
On July 27, accompanied by, a commercial inspection group composed of the Thailand department of commercial affairs, the ministry of industry, the electronic academy and the enterprise representatives which is in accompaniment with correlation personnel of Thailand embassy in Kunming visited the China quality certification center (CQC) Chengdu branch center. The CQC Chengdu divided center Director Li Yingben, department head Liang ping of Sichuan entry and exit examination quarantine bureau mechanical and electrical department and the Thailand commerce inspection group carried on the discussion.
During the discussion, the Thailand commerce inspection group understood the CCC certification system, the business scope and procedure of CQC certification, as well as the request of the mechanical and electrical product import and export examination, the two sides also carried on the discussion on the cooperation possibility of certification and examination domain.
After the meeting, inspection group Commander Mr. Charuek Hengrusmet indicated that, it would strengthen the relation with the CQC headquarters and the Chengdu branch center, promote and strengthen bilateral economics and trade intercourse between Thailand and Sichuan area. .
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