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Positively founding new phase of the non- machine and ....
Public Time:2006-11-15
Positively founding new phase of the non- machine and non-electric product certification
From September 5 2005 to 6th, the China quality certification center (CQC) in Beijing convened “the CQC non- machine and non-electric product certification work conference" for CQC branch center qualification assessors and the market development personnel. Center Director Li Huailin and Assistant Director Lu Mei attended the conference and gave the important speech; the state supervisory commission certification supervising and managing department Assistant Deputy Office Chief He Xiaoqun also on invitation attended the conference, and carry on training to the personnel on the related law laws and regulations request of compulsory product certification.
Director Li pointed out in the speech that the voluntary product certification is the development tendency of product certification, and affirmed the present management and the operation pattern of CQC product sixth office. While analyzing present certification market situation, calling on branch center positively to develop the market, Director Li also requested everybody to train hard the internal strength, improve own quality, defend the CQC image, and make CQC to be superior together.
Assistant Director Lu Mei produced the solution opinion and suggestion on certification quality, market development and propaganda, certification charge, simultaneously requested each center to carry on strict factory quality inspection in the daily certification work.
CQC product sixth office summarized the work in the past year since its establishment, carried on the explanation to the problems discovered in qualified l evaluation, and carried on the discussion on market development strategy. In addition, the financial department also listened to the opinion and suggestion of conference representatives to the financial work, the technology place personnel trained the short-term document revision situation of center quality system as well as the correlation request of the center to the new project development.
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