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The China quality certification center South Korea...
Public Time:2006-11-15
The China quality certification center South Korea branch center website officially clears
 In order to increase the CCC certification propaganda dynamics, expand the influence of China quality certification center (CQC) the South Korean branch center, facilitate the South Korean enterprises to apply for the certification service, consult related document, on September 1, the CQC South Korea branch center website officially clears, at present website movement was stable, the user reflection is all right.
       It is reported, this website is in Korean, the website domain name is www.cqckorea.co.kr, except the China quality certification center synopsis, CQC South Korea branch center business scope, the work flow, the information bank, newest column and contact method, also sets up the translation and the foreign announcement on related document of China compulsory product certification legal laws and regulations, CCC implementation rule, CQ symbol certification, CCC exempted system, accurately makes every effort to show the information which cared about by the South Korean enterprise in succinct and bright form.
       After the official open of this website, South Korean branch center would use this advantageous tool to provide more sufficient information to the customer, further strengthen the relation between center and enterprise, and promote the further development of CQC service in the South Korean.
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