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The Sweden business bank Western Europe development limited ...
Public Time:2006-11-15
The Sweden business bank Western Europe development limited liability company (TCO) comes to visit
On November 1, 2005, the Sweden business bank Western Europe development limited liability company (TCO) Taiwan office Asia area Manager Mr. Shi Mating visited the China quality certification center (CQC). Assistant Director Wang Kejiao expressed welcome to Manager Shi Mating on behalf of CQC, the two sides carried on the discussion. This was an exchange visits activity after this September Director CQC Li Huailin visited the Sweden TCO headquarters.
       Sweden TCO officially promoted TCO security and the environmental protection standard certification from 1992 to the computer equipment, at present there are more than 200 million computers users already had profited from the TCO quality and the environment certification plan.
       During the discussion, both sides had further understood opposite party service situation and discussed on the concerned issues, simultaneously both sides expressed cooperation desire in various domains.
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