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The CQC sample management namely the workshop of going...
Public Time:2006-11-15
The CQC sample management namely the workshop of going through customs convenes in Chongqing
For further improves the work quality, consummates the movement mechanism, guarantees the smooth development of sample management and going through customs, from December 13, 2005 to 14th, the China quality certification center (CQC) manages the workshop of sample and goes through customs in Chongqing, more than 40 representatives of 20 laboratories  which undertook the CCC examination duty, partial enterprises and two declaration companies personnel attended the conference, Assistant Director CQC Wang Kejiao attended the conference and made speech.
The conference has notified the sample management document spirit of main custom administration, the national quality testing bureau and the country supervisory commission related, introduced the related stipulation of CQC import sample goes through customs as well as related procedure of apply to customs and draws back customs. and exchanged the import sample management work experience together with the senate, discussed on further improvement of  opinion and suggestion on CQC sample to go through customs work, researched the go through customs management standard of the import sample.
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