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CQC conducted the second CCC certification explanation meeting in South Korea
Public Time:2006-11-15

CQC conducted the second CCC certification explanation meeting in South Korea

     Recently, the South Korea embranchment center of China quality certification center (CQC) conducted the China compulsory certification system explanation meeting together with and China Embassy in South Korean, the Korea business labor conference institute and South Korean Folk Economical Association. [www.langsky.com] China embassy minister-counsellor Li Xiaoqing, President Piao Longcheng of Korea business labor conference, more than 100 small and medium-sized Korean enterprise representatives , as well as partial media representatives attended this conference.

     Before the explanation meeting, CQC South Korea embranchment center had made the careful preparation, translated the all printed lectures and related document of part compulsory product certification into Korean, bound in volume for reference of the represent. chief delegate Qi Shuang of CQC South Korea embranchment center explained in detail on the development history, certification scope, certification flow of China compulsory certification system and the key proceeding of CCC, and explained the inquiry of conference representative in detail.

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