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Li Jie, Deng Yunfeng became first batch syndic of ...
Public Time:2006-11-15


Li Jie, Deng Yunfeng became first batch syndic of management system certification in our country


More than 40 representatives come from the various countries participated the 14th sessions of IQNe annual meeting


CQC expert Li Jie

CQC  expert  Deng Yunfeng


Form 2005 April 5 to April 8, the 14 sessions of IQNe annual meeting was succefully held in America Miami, more than 40 representatives of IQNet member organizations attended the conference, the three experts of China quality certification center (CQC), Li Jie, Li Guozhen, Deng Yunfeng composed the Chinese delegation attended the conference



      The conference carried on earnest analysis with the forecast to the IQNet internal and external present situation, the strength and the environment, the future competition and development situation, and formulated IQNet strategic service plans successfully of 2005 to 2007 based on the former service strategic plan.

This plan will be the principled instruction document of all activities to strategic development, the general and specific policies, the engineering research, the market introduction and so on in the IQNet next 3 years, indicated the direction for the successful development of IQNet.


     In this conference, the two CQC experts of Chinese delegation, Li Jie, Deng Yunfeng became the IQNet colleague syndic officially, namely China had the first batch management system certification colleague syndic, this was the first time in China management system certification domain.





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