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CQC leads the Chinese delegation to attend...
Public Time:2006-11-15

CQC leads the Chinese delegation to attend the 42nd session of IECEE-CTL annual meeting



The Chinese delegation and CTL President Mr. Joe Gryn takes a group photo




CQC leads the Chinese delegation to attend the 42nd session of IECEE-CTL annual meeting


      From June 1 2005 to June 3,  NCB Secretary Bian jing – NCB of China quality certification center (CQC) --- took the head of the Chinese delegation came from the CQC correlation departments, CBTL and representatives of enterprise, went to Mexico to participate the 42nd session of IECEE-CTL annual meetings. The tests laboratory committee (CTL) is the technical organization of IECEE-CB system, solves technical question in the CB system movement process through many expert work team, promotes technological exchange and mutualtrust between  various countries' NCB and the CBTL, is the technical cornerstone of CB system.


      The Chinese delegation studied the conference document earnestly befour the meeting, summarized the technical question appears in NCB and CBTL movement, proposed the suggestion that to increases the bill of materials in the CB report format of spare part, the suggestion was accepted by the congress, and was taken as an independent subject in the official summit agenda.

During the conference, our representative speaked positively, and exchanged ideas with other various countries' representative, which  promoted the mutual understanding between China NCB, CBTL and the overseas craft brother, and built the good foundation for the further technological exchange and the cooperation.


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