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CQC cooperate with CQM hand in hand
Public Time:2006-11-15
CQC cooperate with CQM hand in hand
      On June 22, CQC and CQM convened the strategy cooperation proseminar in Beijing, discussed the cooperaion plans on market self-discilin, technic development and international cooperation. There were 27 leaders or cadres of the two organization attended the meeting, and the leaders of the Nation Certification Cerveillance Management Committee also took part in this meeting.
      This meeting was held under the situation of that the certification market competition is pricking up increasingly, the market is about to open to the outside organization. The theme of this meeting is to strengthen cooperation between the two organizations, maintenance the market order together, improve the validity of certification work, enlarge the international influence of China certification organization. The vice-director Liu Changsheng of CQC and the general manager Zhang wei made the speak, they both expressed that they will be convinced of the duty of China certification project, make effort to build up the lable and figure of China certification organization, accelerate the cooperation between the two organization. Both of the organizations have the certain force in China certification market, the cooperation foregroud between the two sides is expansive, they need to set up the confidence and mechanism for the long-term cooperation, and gradually establish the wide cooperation ways on market exploitation and client service, certification technology research, certificaiton field development, improve the satisfaction degree of clients, enlarge international influence and so on. And then, the middle-level leader of the two organization made the communication and discussion about the related issue.
      The leader of the Nation Certification Cerveillance Management Committee highly appraised and affirmed the strategy cooperation between two organizations. The vice-director Liu Zhuohui said, the cooperation is the far-seeing action, the two organization should set a sample on certification market maintenance and elevation of certification validity.
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