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Cooperates fully in one mind,advances continuous...
Public Time:2006-11-15
Cooperates fully in one mind,advances continuous and health development of the CQC brand supervisory work..
The open ceremony of brand management annual meeting of 2005----correspondent training class
Advanced Individual representative----Shenzhen dispart center ---Wu shangguang speak
Advanced collectivity representative----Sichuan dispart center ---Lifang speak
Outstanding author representative---- ISO9000 office director of Hunan subsidiary bank of Agriculture Bank of China----Yang chongde speak 
The China Quality Center convenes the brand management annual meeting of 2005----correspondent training class
In order to strenthen and advance The China Quality Center (CQC) brand management work, build up the upstanding international certification organization brand, CQC convened the brand management  annual meeting of 2005----correspondent training class in Yinchuan of Ningxia province from 2005 June 22 to June 25. The meeting was undertaken by Ningxia dispart center of northwest appraise center, more than 50 missionaries of appraise center attended this meeting.
        During the meeting, the director Wu yuping of headquarters bureaux made the subject report of brand management work of 2005. it indicates that in the face of entirely exoteric certification market, it is the key point of CQC long-term development that how to make CQC international known certification institution, and how to make use of resource in existence to realize the most value of brand by brand management. The depaprtments and embranchment institutions of the Center should understand the importance the brand stratagem, form the fine mutual mechanism, cooperates fully in one mind,advances stable, continuous and health development of the CQC brand supervisory work together, exploit much more development room for CQC. 
  In order to encourage the advanced and extend the good experience, this meeting commended the seven advanced collectivities, seven advanced individuals and ten outstanding authors which had made the outstanding achivement in information propagandizing work in 2004. The dvanced collectivity representative Lifang of Sichuan dispart center, the advanced Individual representative Wu shangguang of Shenzhen dispart center, and the outstanding author representative---- ISO9000 office director Yang chongde of Hunan subsidiary bank of Agriculture Bank of China speak on the meeting deperately, they introduced their exerperience of information propagandizing work to all the representatives. In order to improve the operation ability of reporters, the meeting also arranged the professional training and practice for two and a half day. Professor Long Shengjun of Beijing University GuangHua management institute, manager Xia Zhongqun of ShengShi brand strategy research institute, stationmaster Pan Mengyang of Ningxia reporter station of Central people broadcasting station, director Chai xuan of China camera were invited to make the subject lectures on brand management, news cover and composition ,camera work etc., which enhanced the brand consciousness and buildup the confidence of the representatives.
       All the representatives think that this meeting not only enhanced the communication between the Center HQ and the embranchments, but also definituded the inportance and realism meaning of brand management work, and it is provided with great significance to advances stable, health and continuous development of the CQC brand supervisory work.
       The meeting got the vigorously supports of Ningxia Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau , and attracted many local medium. Ningxia TV station, Ningxia Daily, Yinchuan Evening, New Izvestia, Ningxia report station of China Intellectual Property Rights separately reported this meeting.
The name list of CQC advanced collectiveity and individual of 2004
1, advanced collectiveity:
the first department of product
the third department of product
Hangzhou embranchment center
Xi’an embranchment center
Amoy appraise center
Sichuan appraise center
2,advanced individual:
 integration department                                        Chen yan
inspection department                                      Duan Longjuan
Shenzhen embranchment center                          Wu Shangguang
Chengdou embranchment center                          Wang Zhongsi
Shanghai appraise center                                 Wu tao
 Shandong appraise center                                 Yuan Xinmei
 Hunan appraise center                                  Huang Luyi
3,outstanding author:
the first department of product                              Zhang Daoquan
 the 7th department of product                                  You Anjun
 technic department                                             Dong Yongshen 
 Shanghai embranchment center                              Zhu Puda
AMoy embranchment center                                  Yu Xiaoqing
Shandong appraise center                                      Ni yang
Zhejiang Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau              Si Xinyu
 Kunshan Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau         Gu Hongxiang
ISO office of Hunan Agriculture Bank                                  Yang Chongde
Shanghai electric implement examination station                    He min
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