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To creat the “standard economy” diligently
Public Time:2006-11-14
To creat the “standard economy” diligently 


On June 6 2005, The People's Daily publishes the signed article of Director Li Huailin "To Creat Standard Economy Diligently". 
 As a positive initiator of standard economy in our country, in the article, Li Zhuren analyzed the strategic sense and the positive role of the standard economy to our country economy development, the analysis is penetrating, the proof is strict. Present full text publication to the readers.



To creat the “standard economy” diligently


          The impetus of  “standard economy” itself is the organic constituent of promoting the Chinese economy development quality, the transformation of economy growth way, answer to the foreign trade barrier, and an important strategy to raising the foreign trade level.


   The foreign trade is one of national economy development troikas, the“standard economy” construction not only has the vital significance to the domestic economical development, moreover will have the profound influence to our country's foreign trade.

   At present, the technical barrier has already became one of most directand most important methods of the various countries to protect its trade and the industry. The technical barrier refers to the import country in order to maintain its benefit and the economic security, the national health as well as the environmental protection, formulates the related compulsory technical laws or regulations and the standard, so constitute the technology barrier of economical trade. Certainly, WTO "Technical Trade Barrier Agreement" (i.e. the TBT agreement) stipulated, the evaluation procedure of technical laws and regulations, the standard and the qualification should not form nonessential barrier to the international trade; The WTO member should base the national security protection, preventing the fraudulent practice, protecting the life health of human, animal and plant, as well as environmental protection.
This meant, so long as the related technical laws and regulations and the standard of the import country are stem from goals of health, security, and environmental protection, it would be regarded reasonable behavior to realize the “legitimate goal” , can achieve to the goal which supposes to limit the imports product.Take the laws and regulations system of European Union as an example, the European Union instruction is compulsory, the related product must conform to the instruction requirement only then can be imported.

Some data indicated that, the overseas technical trade barrier already affected 2/3 exportation enterprise and 2/5 export commodity of our country, creates 20 billions US dollars losses every year. This also explained that, the fundamental market access system based on the technical laws and regulations, standard, certification of developed country, in fact seriously affects real competitive ability and the long-term development space of our foreign trade.
It is imminent that, we must face up to the insufficiency of our enterprise in advanced management pattern, international standard track and implementation, adopts the measure positively to change the management way of high consumption, low efficiency, extensive -like. At the same time,use the experience and procedure of reasonable establishment of technical trade in barrier overseas countries in economical development for reference, promotes the development of standard economy vigorously.
The “standard economy” is economic system takes the quality specification as the core, its direct performance is the product, the service, the process conform to standard qualified certification, namely quality certification. As the international general quality certification of qualified evaluation method, is already used by many developed and developing nation, the region organization, and became the important datum of internationalmutually recognization in the correlation domain and the promotion of trade liberalization.As the member of the World Trade Organization, it is the substantive question we need to resolve, namely defers to the related agreements of the World Trade Organization, reconstruct the control system and the mechanism  of trade, service, technical measure which is accord with the international general rule. 
The current situation is that, to develop the “standard economy” first can help the domestic enterprise to face the international trade technology barrier, promote foreign trade growth; Next, the development of quality certification is advantageous in improving the domestic enterprise diathesis, improves the product quality, speeds up implementation of the “walks out” strategy; Third, to promote standard economy, increase certification work dynamics, can promote the adjustment of economy development and rule market behavior. 

In fact, the certification developed degree is considered as one of symbols to weigh national market economy development in the world . Broadly speaking, there are three signs of “standard economy”:
The first, the national making legal laws and regulations, and  department rules and regulations of standard certification approval and the standard work to meet the need of international and domestic economy development, and utilizes the international standard and the rule to instruct certification approval work effectively; The sencond, has the formalization employment troop of certification approval and standardized work; The third, the certification enterprise which established above the standard foundation, expands technical progress factor unceasingly in the state economy development. 

  It is needs to emphasize that, under the WTO environment, to impels the development of “standard economy” itself is organic constituent to promote the economical development quality, transform economy growth way, and reply to the foreign trade barrier;
And to impel the whole development of China economy by the “standard economy” should be, moreover have to be an important strategy to raises the foreign trade level.
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