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Strengthen the Personnel Management......
Public Time:2006-11-14
Strengthen the Personnel Management,Enhance Inspection Quality--CQC Hangzhou Branch Center Holds Annual Conference to Summarize the inspection work in 2005     On January 5th, 2006, China Quality Certification Center (CQC) Hangzhou Branch Center holds annual conference to summarize the inspection work in 2005. Leaders of CQC Inspection Department, principals of Hangzhou Branch Center, leaders and link men of other relative departments or units and more than 130 inspectors attended the conference.   In 2005, aiming at the four “toprank”, CQC Hangzhou Branch Center strengthened its management by emphasizing on the quality of its factory inspectors and factory inspecting work. Meanwhile, Hangzhou Branch Center made great achievements by carrying out a series of creative attempts and explorations. In 2006, under the leadership and deployment of CQC, Hangzhou Branch Center will try every effort to help the enterprises to enhance the quality of their products by strengthening the management of factory inspecting work, focusing on the effectiveness and timeliness of its certificates, ensuring the quality of consistency inspection. Furthermore, Hangzhou Branch Center will implement the dynamic management pattern of classifying the inspectors and promote the level of inspector training and the affirmance of its certificates so as to enhance the quality of factory inspecting work.  
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