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Closer Services for Enterprises
Public Time:2006-11-14

— The CQC held technical consultation services for the revised compulsory certification standard for rice-cookers and water dispensers in shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong

The CQC held technical consultation services for the revised compulsory certification standard for rice-cookers and water dispensers in shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong. Starting from January 1st, 2006 a new standard has been adopted for the compulsory certification and testing work for rice cookers and water dispensers. To practice the spirit of “accommodating enterprises and applicants” and timely inform relevant enterprises of the change in the trade standard to improve their products, and with the support of shanghai Bureau of Inspection and Quarantine, Zhejiang Cixi Bureau of Quality and Technical supervision and relevant laboratories, on February 20th, 22hd and March 3rdthe CQC held 3 consultation meetings respectively Shanghai, Zhejiang Cixi and Guangzhou, which are clustered with certification applicant rice cooker and water dispenser producers. At the meeting, CQC staff lengthily introduced the standard changing work, and discussed with enterprise representatives over issues like the procedure and differences between the standards. The representatives all showed appreciation for the CQC’S thoughtful services.


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