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Close-to-Door Services Favorably Spoken of by Enterprises
Public Time:2006-11-14

“This meeting is really in time, it gave up so much information about the standard revising work. and deepened our understanding of the compulsory certification practices.” Recently, at the Publicity Meeting on Revised Compulsory Certification Standard for rice cookers held in Liangiang, Guangdong province by the CQC, representatives from rice cooker manufacturers in Western Guangdong and the Zhujiang Delta spoke highly of the CQC’S practice of sending services to customers doors.

Western Guangdong and the Zhujiang Delta is clustered with rice cooker manufacturers and other small home appliances producers. At the agitprop meeting, the CQC staff patiently explained to the representatives the standard changing procedure, requirements for factory inspection and the difference in standards for rice cookers and liquid heaters. The standard changing work was supported by Guangdong Center of Quality and Technical Supervision, Zhujiang Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, Lianjiang Bureau of Quality and Technical Bureau and Lianjiang People’s Government, while officials from Zhenjiang Bureau of Quality and Technical supervision and Lianjiang City Committee attended this meeting. They encouraged the manufacturers to make use of the chance, spending more effort in developing new products and promoting product qualify and taking up more market share through the competitiveness of product quality and brand glamour.


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