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CQC Director Mr Li Huailin Elected CAAV Veterinary......
Public Time:2006-11-14

CQC Director Mr Li Huailin Elected CAAV Veterinary

 Food Hygiene Committee Board Director

On Mooch 8th, and 9th, the CAAV Food Hygiene Committee 5th Plenary & 9th Academic Exchange Conference was held in Kunming, Yunnan province. The conference elected CQC director Mr Li Huailin as the board director for the coming-in Administrative Board of the Veterinary Food Hygiene Committee, and CQC Product 6th Department engineer Mr You Anjun as deputy general secretary. About 100 officials from the country’s quality control, hygiene, agricultural systems, higher education institutes and enterprises attended the meeting.

The CAAV Veterinary Food Committee is an academic and science publicity organization. The conference summarized the work of the 4th administrative board and pooled the views on hot issues and research condition of the field and the duty of veterinary food hygiene workers, and discussed about the development of the discipline. The conference also elected the 5th Administrative Board.

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