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Guangdong-Aodi Toys, Ltd Got First CQC 3C Certificate for Toy Products
Public Time:2006-11-14

The quality of toys is directed related to children health and safety. To better protect consumers’ interest, the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision and the CNCA jointly issued a notice, to carry compulsory certification for children’s bikes, electrical toys, plastic toys, metal toys, dolls and ejection toys, and regulated that starting from June/1st , all on-list toys tailing certification or uncertified should be forbidden from the market, since the starting of the certification work on March 1st , 20 toy manufactures have filed their application for certification.

It’s estimated that globally 70% of the toys are manufactured in china. Over 3000 toy-makers clustered in Shantou Chenghai district, the reputed “Chinese town of toys”, with on yearly out put at over RMB 12billion and a market scheme covering more than 100 countries and regions, making it one of china’s toy producing and export bases. As a renowned enterprise in the trade, Guangdong Aodi Toys, Ltd has always attached great attention to the quality and safety of its products. In 2002, it got the ISO 9001 quality management system certificate, and in sept,2005, Aodi’s electrical toy cars were graded as “China Famous Brand”, the spokesman of Aodi expressed that by implementing the 3C certification the company wanted to further promote its product quality, management.    level and competitiveness in the international market

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