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CQC Held “East Guangdong District Certificate-Presenting ...
Public Time:2006-11-14
CQC Held “East Guangdong District Certificate-Presenting Ceremony” in Shantou
On April 20th, the CQC held a East Guangdong certificate-presenting ceremony in Shangtou, in association with the Shantou Bureau of Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine. CQC director Mr Li Huailin, Guangdong Bureau of Exit –Entry Inspection and Quarantine director Mr zhong Dechong, Shangtou Government Deputy Mayor Mr Luo Yangpeng, Deputy Secretary Mr Lin Hongcheng, SBEEIQ director Mr Liu Renlu and 20representatives from CQC-certificate-holding enterprises attended the ceremony.
Mr Li Huailin, Mr LuoYangpeng and Mr Liu Renlu each gave a speech over the carryout of certification in the East Guangdong.
After the meeting, Mr Li Huailin accepted interviews by the south Doily, the Guangdong TV and others.
Guangdong is a strong province, and as the seat for one of china’s four economic zones Shantou, East Guangdong take up a large share in Guangdong’s economy over the years more and more enterprises in East Guangdong have filed their application for product and system certification, especially after the notice for toy product compulsory certification was issued by the state Bureau of Quality and technical supervision and the CNCA on Dec 30th, 2005, Present at the ceremony were toy manufacturers including the first CQC-certificate-holding toy manufacturer Guangdong Aodi Toy Industry, Ltd, a toy certification institute, 13 ISO 90010, ISO140010 and HACCP-holders and 3 certified food packagers.
This ceremony joined the CQC and the regional enterprises together in promoting product quality and management level, providing better services for customers and stimulating economic development in East Guangdong.
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