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Invite Clients in While Sending Service out
Public Time:2006-11-14
Invite Clients in While Sending Service out
--the CQC Wuhan held an informal 3C clients meeting
Take certification applicants into the office, and let them experience the certification process themselves and have their doubts solved. Recently 30 representatives from 20 enterprises scattered around Wuhan joined a clients meeting at the CQC Wuhan, whereas for those far-out enterprises in Hunan, Henan and others, the CQC sent personnel up door to get response and give help.
As 2006 is a critical year for the implementation and supervision of regulations by the SBQTS and the CNCA, a national 3C validity inspection will be carried during the 2nd and 3rd seasons, with focus on products tightly related to people lives.
It is emphasized at this meeting that the CQC, as a renown certification institution, will always attach premium attention to the improving of the service quality, the perfection of service system and the satisfaction of potential customer needs, while all enterprises, should have standardization and creditability awareness, conscientiously give required co-operations, and work their share for the validity of 3C certification.
Representatives either gave speeches, inquired about certification procedures, or gave their suggestions or thoughts for improving the certification services.
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