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Consumer Products Hazardous Substances Assessment Technology And...
Public Time:2006-11-14
Consumer Products Hazardous Substances Assessment Technology And Demonstration General Task Team Meeting Held in Beijing
Task teams held a general meeting in Beijing for the CQC-undertaken SBST (State Bureau of Science and Technology) 10th-five-year-plan key development task “consumer products hazardous substances assessment technology and demonstration”.  The task leaders, managers of technologies and sub-tasks, sub-task secretaries, and panel members of the financial supervision and the General secretariat attended the meeting.
The task leader, CQC director Mr Li huailin pointed out that in light of the national plan of building an energy-saving and environmental-friendly society, the task will be very significant in guiding the standard setting, testing and substituting the six consumer product categories. The task team should further clarify the main ideas and executive strategies, try hard to innovate the working methods and research goals while all the sub-tasks teams have to shoulder up their respective responsibilities and carry their work through. Mr Li promised that the CQC will lead weighty financial and technical support for the task.. CQC Financial chief, head of the supervising panel for the research task Mr ZhangJingming briefly introduced the methods for regulating using and reimbursing the fund, and required that all sub-task sponsors should regulate their account management. Mr zhang also provided answers for the questions concerning the badge ting and using of the fund.
Consumer product hazardous substances assessment technology research and demonstration consists of seven sub-tasks, which are neatly integrated as an organic whole. seven sub-task team had already done visiting research and forum work in relevant fields before the general meeting, and they all made reports on their undertaking research work, next steps, final goals, work schedules and fund uses, and proposed these reports for general discussion. The discussion brought up the amending advices for the sub-task teams, and made clear the result transfer need been sub –task teams to ensure a coordinated general research flow.
Besides, general awareness has been reached on the importance of an phased filing of research material, while a teleconference network plan was also decided for needed teleconferences to reduce time and financial cost and promote work efficiency.
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