A bridge Between Enterprises and the CQC.
On June 29th, the CQC held a home appliances producers’ exchange meeting in Hailaer, Inner Mongolia。 CQC deputy director Mr Wang Kejiao, officials from the State Commission of Development and Reform and the CNCA, and over 110 representatives from the CQC’S testing institutes and enterprises like Haier, Media, Gree, Keloon, Emerson, TCL attended the meeting.
Mr wang Kejiao showed his thanks for the attending enterprises’ confidences and constant support for the CQC certification work and hoped that they could maintain their agreeable relation with the CQC and actively give their suggestions for its certification work.
Experts from the SCDR, the CNCA and the CQC explained relevant laws and regulations, implemental standards and other information about home appliances certification, and china’s retrieval system for home appliances, they also had a deep discussion with the attending enterprise representatives about their practical concerns over actual certification implementation.
This exchange meeting had provided timely help for enterprises to know about china’s relevant regulations, acquire the latest information about certification and solve practical difficulties, and greatly reduced the barriers between the CQC and enterprises.