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The CQC Chengdu Held the Year of Quality factory Inspection
Public Time:2006-10-20

        “We’ll mo make 2006 the Year of Quality Factory Inspection, and orient all our factory inspection work around the promotion of service quality, work efficiency and inspectors’ abilities”, and the requirement given in the CQC Chengdu’s recent inspectors’ working meeting.

        In repose to problems emerging in actual factory inspection work, the CQC Chengdu decided to set 2006 as the year of Quality Factory Inspection”. According to the plan, the CQC would deepen its implementation of relevant regulations by the CNCA and the CQC, tighten up the managemet and supervision of inspectors, give oral or even written criticism to rogue factory inspectors, and even suspend in qualification of these inspectors who is negligent, dragging, incapable or ignorant of regulations in work.

        Over 80 inspectors from Sichuen, Chongqing, Yunnan and Giuzhou attended the meeting the meeting passed the spirit of the CQC Factory Inspection department  the CQC’s requirement for stratified inspectors administration, needed knowledge of measurement and the ISO/TS 169492002 standard. In the mean time, the meeting also had a discussion over problems popping up in the training for chief inspectors and mistakes in factory inspection reports.

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