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CQC-Drafted National Standard Passed Approval
Public Time:2006-10-20

At the Finalizing Meeting for National Certification and Accreditation Standards, by the National standardization Commission of certification and Accreditation (SAC/TC261), the CQC-drafted “Certification-–General Requirements for 3rd–party Donformity Label”, “Certification—Providing Party’s Conformity Proclamation Part I: General Requirements” and “Certification-providing party’s Conformity Proclamation Part II: Supporting Documents” passed approval by the Checking Committee.

The finalizing meeting was presided over by Mr Liu Zhuohui, Deputy Director of the CNCA and Chairman of the finalizing committee. CNCA chief certification supervisor Mr Lu Mei and CNCA Technical Standard deputy director Mr Xu Zengde, as head drafters of the two standards respectively gave their speeches about the drafting process and key issues for the standards.

11 experts from the CNCA, accreditation certification and testing institutes and enterprises carefully examined the drafts and standard publicity courses, with focus on the popular concerns, and finally unanimously passed the draft standards. The drafting panels will make revisions to the standards according to the suggestions by the committee, and submit the final draft to the state standards commission through the SAC/ TC261.

According the experts, the drafting of the two standards is significant for the regularity and validity in quality certification work, the protection of customers’ interests and the promotion of trade.

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