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All CNCA-Appointed Toy Compulsory certification Testing Institutes Signed Contracts with the CQC
Public Time:2006-10-20

   To ensure the smooth implementation of compulsory certification for toy products, on March 1st the CN CA issued the  Proclamation #8, entrusting the CQC and other 2 certification institutes with the certification task, and appointing 15 testing institutes for the testing work.

  On March 7th, the CQC held toy certification testing institutes meeting in Guangzhou, and all the 15 CNCA-appointed testing institutes sent representatives to the meeting. At the meeting, 11 newly-entrusted testing institutes signed contract for certification with the CQC while the other 4 long-standing partner’s business coverage was redefined. By far, the CQC’S signing testing institutes are 129.

  The CQC provided training to the representatives in administration of testing institutes, factory inspection and personnel management, while to clarify the technical specification and ensure a smooth carryout of work, engineers from Products 6th Department exchanged their views with the representatives over certification procedure, product description, and experiment report writing. These representatives all expressed that they were happy to join in the CQC scheme and hoped to work shoulder-to-shoulder with the CQC for a bright future of the certification enterprise.

  The contracting meeting is a very important step in the CQC’S work in response to the requirements by the CNCA for improving the validity of certification.

         According to report, at the CQC’S first Guangzhou toy certification agitprop meeting, altogether 20 representatives from its branch organs were present. The meeting passed the CNCA’S requirements about toy product certification, and provided training in enforcement regulations for the certification as well.

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