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The Tenth Five-year Tackle Key Project of MOST Starts
Public Time:2006-10-19

        At the end of 2005, China Quality Certificate Center(CQC) signed the National Scientific and Technological Tackle Key Project Proxy with Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China(CNCA) and formally undertook research work of the tenth five-year tackle program of Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China(MOST)-the Accredited and Evaluating Technological Research and Demonstration of the Deleterious Substance in Consuming Products.

        It is the first time for CQC to undertake the state-level scientific research project. According to the work progress arrangement, CQC held the conference to start the project on January 14th, 2006. Principal leader of the project group, Li Huailin, executive leader of the project group, Lu Mei, section chief of the Standard Department of CNCA, Ge Hongmei, other members of the project group, and leaders of all the branch groups attended the conference.   

        At the conference, Principal leader Li Huailin indicated that the project is not only significant to our nation, the society and national people, but also to the cause of certification and accreditation. Li hoped that the whole project group might research and work seriously according to the general management plan proposed by CNCA.After a day-long thorough discussion, the plan of detailed duty and task division and schedule has been generally fixed on and the research work on the project formally started.

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