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Notice about version change of the standard GB4706.1, GB4706.7 and GB4706.11
Public Time:2006-09-01

The relevant enterprises:

The standard GB4706.1-2005 ( "the safety of household and similar electrical appliances, Part 1 :General Requirements ") for household and similar electrical appliances compulsory certification was implemented on August 1st according to the announcement of CNS in 2005 the 10th  (No. 84 overall) issued by Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China, 2006; GB4706.7-2004 ( " the special requirements for the safety of household and similar electrical- vacuum cleaning equipment and absorbent cleaner") GB4706.11-2004 ( " the special requirements for the safety of household and similar electrical appliances- water heaters ") (hereinafter referred to as the new standard criteria above) are implemented and come into effect. Since the day for the implementation of the new standard, these two products of the old safety standards applicable to the original certification automatically annulled.

CNCA in August 2006 issued a notice in 2006 on the 21st.require certification body on August 1, 2006, implement certification according to the new standard. Our center gave the explanation for the standard version change as follows:

1. For a vacuum cleaner and rapid water heater products, taking into account of the difference between the two standards for product certification, the old certificate holders should make a modification application to CQC product certification department 2 after the implementation of the new standards and before the next follow-up inspection (but preferably not later than July 31, 2007). And they should accept the entire project of the test sample testing based on the new standard. The testing labs shall give the testing report to the applicant.

2. Certificate conversion shall be completed on July 31, 2007; if overdue, the certificate would be canceled by CQC.

China Quality Certification Center

                                      August 30, 2006


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