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Notice about the change of version of the Implementation Rules...
Public Time:2006-08-01

Notice about the change of version of the Implementation Rules for CQC certification mark of ecological textile product


Date: 2006-8-1

Notice about the change of version of the implementation Rules for CQC signs of ecological textiles


According to the Notice No. 3 of 2006 of Certification and Accreditation Administration of People's Republic Of China, in order to further enhance the effectiveness of certification, China Quality Certification Center revised version of the " CQC implementation rules of safety certification of ecological textile product " and " CQC implementation rules of environmental certification of ecological textile product", and annouced in June 15, 2006,the new rules revised on the original authentication, authentication based on the content of the standard. China Quality Certification Center has been replace the new eco-textiles certification in early July 2006 for all the enterprise which have got the textile CQC mark of ecological certification , notice of relevant matters as follows :

1.Because there is no difference about the limit of harmful substances between the second version of the " CQC implementation rules of safety certification of ecological textile product " and " CQC implementation rules of environmental certification of ecological textile product "and the original certification standards, so it is not needed to do additional testing.

2. For the convenient of the enterprise, and reducing the burdens of enterprises, CQC will bring a new version of certificate of CQC ecological textile safety / environmental quality certification for free to the enterprises

3. The period of change certificate version is from June 15, 2006 to September 15, 2006.

4. Since the date of September 16, 2006, the old textile product CQC ecological safety / environmental quality certification will automatically be cancelled. CQC will announce the enterprises list and the number of the certificate. At the same time, enterprises should stop using the old certificates; if they continue to use the old certificates, the responsibility will be bear by the holder themselves.

Hereby notified

China Quality Certification Center

August 1, 2006


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