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Notice on the standard version change related to cancellation of certificates
Public Time:2006-06-15

 It is according to (National Bureau held [2005]18) 搕he notice about compulsory product certification standards in the modification," (hereinafter referred to as the "notice") and related provisions issued by CNCA. The "notice" clear: 揳s for the products which have got the compulsory certificate the holders of old version of certificate should apply to CQC for change for new version of standard certificate after implemented in the new standard, before the next track inspection. Otherwise, the old certificate automatically. "Therefore, China Quality Certification Center has been implementing the" notice "requirement through various forms. At present, most certificate holders / applicants have failed to meet the new standard conversion certificates. But there are still some certificate holders / applicants also hold the certificate, according to the "notice", the certificate has automatically lapsed. Recently, the China Quality Certification Center will publish on the web site of expired certificates, related holder please raise new applications as soon as possible, to get the new version of standard certificate.

Due to the different standards for the standard version refer to, for the convenience of applicants to know situation in details, the notice informed standard version change information and the way of contact of related linkman. In addition, each edition of the standard reference for the CQC website fore "notifies" the relevant content. Please inquire website 揑nformation query 搑elevant columns to write off the directory.


Standard list biaozhunbiao.pdf


China Quality Certification Center

June 16, 2006


Introduction of Website / Exception Clause