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Emergency notice on GB4706.8 electrically heated blankets...
Public Time:2006-06-05

Emergency notice on GB4706.8 electrically heated blankets without the standards version change

Date: 2006-6-5

Emergency notice on GB4706.8 electrically heated blankets without the standards version change


The branches, testing labs and the related enterprises:

In August 24, 2004 the China Quality Certification Center issued the documents (zhonrenji [2004] 141) which has already arranged the standard version change work of 11 household appliances and other products including GB4706.8. There are still 46 CQC mark certifications of electrically heated blankets not yet get certification standards version change to date. In the view of the safety problem of these old standard products, we hope that the certificate holder apply for the standard version change as soon as possible. The deadline is August 30, 2006. If overdue, our center will cancel the old version certificate.

Appendix: zhonrenji [2004]: 141

China Quality Certification Center

June 5 2006


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